Facts about Kirk's Dik Dik
Physical Characteristics
Kirk's dikdiks are tiny antelopes
that exhibit in shades of color depending on habitat—the drier semidesert areas
usually have paler individuals. Dikdiks have large dark eyes surrounded by a
white ring. A black spot below the inside corner of each eye contains a
preorbital gland that produces a dark sticky secretion. Dikdiks insert grass
stems and twigs into the gland to scent-mark their territories.
To prevent overheating while
minimizing need for water, the dikdik has evolved a particular cooling
mechanism. Their elongated snouts have bellows-like muscles by which blood is
pumped. Airflow and subsequent evaporation cools this blood before it is
recirculated to the body. However, this panting is only implemented in extreme
conditions—dikdiks can tolerate temperatures of up to 104° Fahrenheit.

Dikdiks form monogamous pairs in
fixed territories of low bush along dry, rocky stream beds. They mark their
territory with dung deposits and with secretions from the preorbital gland.
Sight, scent and hearing are
well-developed, and dikdiks are very alert. They respond to the alarm calls of
other animals. When in danger they tend to hide instead of flee.
Dikdik females give birth to a
single offspring after a gestation of 6 months. Both parents care for the
young, who often stays with them until the mother’s next birth. At this point,
the parents will chase off the subadult.
Dikdiks eat foliage, shoots, fruit
and berries. They are water-independent, getting water from the vegetation they
eat. Appropriately, they are largely nocturnal, avoiding the heat of the day
and unnecessary water loss.
and Threats
People have long hunted dikdiks,
setting snares along their pathways. Small bones from the dikdik's legs and
feet are used in traditional jewelry. Their skins are often made into suede for
You Know?
- When frightened or disturbed, the dikdik produces a whistling sound through the nose that sounds like "zik-zik," from which its name is probably derived.
- Salt is important to the dikdik's diet, but it does not need to drink as sufficient liquid is contained in the plants it consumes.
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